Party的日期是12月26日, Boxing Day呢~ 地點選了在Cronrad Hong Kong 舉行。老實說, 由於聖誕檔期的關係, 是次party 費用偏高呢>0<
剛好前幾天在Shu uemura 買了東西, 有一次免費化妝服務, 就選今日用了它啦。其實我唔覺得佢化得特別好,... 至少不太襯lolita。然後, 自己回家修補了一下。今日試用金髮呢。話說金髮真的不太襯我... 失望。
大約兩點鐘去到會場, 先放下待會用來抽獎的禮物, 然後捉了小Cain入WC幫我拉拉鏈... 唔知係咪冬天著衫多左, 裙子的拉鏈拉不上去Q.Q
接著就找位子坐啦, 很幸運的找了枱lolita共和國的枱子坐。哈哈, 有認識了韓國來的, 英國來的, 澳洲來的lolita。不過她們全部都識講廣東話啦。我和小Cain, 一個咪九龍東, 一個咪九龍西囉~
安定好之後, party 很快就開始了。首先是自我介紹。很多都是第一次見面呢... 還好小Cain有去...
然後就到食英式三層架下午茶時間。沒吃早餐的關係, 整個茶架都被我ko了。
由頂層開始講... (因為menu係英文,我唔翻譯啦!)
- Baby shrimps with calypso sauce on Baguette; 塊Baguette唔得, 蝦仔味道倒是不錯;
- Spinach spread sandwiches roll; 這個好吃,
如果麵包唔係硬既話... - Smoked salmon with herb cream cheese Tortillas roll; 正常味,
都係塊包唔得囉... - Finger sandwich with Christmas ham; 呢個真係... 劣評, 上面果兩個味重D都冇咁覺, 呢個一口三文治真係... 麵包係硬既乾既, 好似唔知放左幾耐咁...
- Mini burger with pickle; 嗯... burger 都係有cheese 比較好吃... 同埋上完架, 影完相都凍晒啦... burger 要熱才好吃嘛
- Roasted stuffed chicken wings with mousse and spring onion; 甜品之外, 最好吃的是你了
- Cheese Bourekas; 這個okay
- Vegetables spring roll with sweet and chili sauce; 吃一口便吐了, 不是因為難吃, 是因為我不吃莞茜
- Assorted fruit tartlets: 好吃
- Chestnut and praline log cake; 十分好吃,雖然很甜
- German cheese cake; 好吃
- Raisin scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam;好吃
途中還有一個best coordinates 的選舉呢, Ellen 同Nana 同票呢, 兩個都好sweet。最後Ellen 好有風度(?) 的把冠軍送了給Nana。我的那一票給了同枱的英國來的Yvonne呢, 很喜歡她藍色的配撘。妝也化很很好看。
冠軍的Nana小姐 |
然後和其他可愛的lolita影相, 和不能少的大合照, party 便完了。
Today coordinates:
~Chess Story Le jardin de versailles White JSK
~Angelic Pretty Happy Pack 2013 White Blouse
~Handmade headdress
~Antaina white shoes
English Version will come soon.............
A Christmas Party organized by Ruby Masako, the Kawaii Ambassador of the Japanese Lolita Association in Hong Kong. The part was held in a gorgeous party hall in Cronrad Hotel Hong Kong.
Today is my first try on blonde wig which actually did not fit me very well... a little bit strange look.
I arrived to the venue at around 2p.m.. Putting down my present and found a seat to sit. The table I chose was an international table (XDXDD), girls from different parts of the world joined the party. I met a lolita from England, from Australia and from Korea. It was really amazing.
However, the quality of food was bad... I have never thought that the quality of food from a five stars (? or four?) hotel was as poor as that.
When we are enjoying the tea set, we were also having fun on voting of the the best dressed lolita, exchange of Christmax presents and individual photo shooting.
Finally, it was time for the group photo. There were so many beautiful lolitas in Hong Kong!!