今次出席人數接近40人, wow, 而且還多了很多平時不會出席聚會的spider fans (!?) 亦有很多新面孔。重點是, 有四位王子(!?)
聚會地點選了旺角的fab cafe。
當我由油麻地行去cafe 時, 聽到有人問" 點解今日有咁多lolita?" 其實我想講, lolita的圈子在香港應該都有百幾二百人吧:)
cafe 都為了配合這個party, 做了些萬聖節裝飾。安頓好後, 拿出相機準備影相時, 才發現... 入面張sims 卡沒有了!!! (沒有了~沒有了~ T^T)。所以這次沒有太多相可以放。
人齊後, 首先又是自我介紹環節。然後就可以吃東西了。我... 不太記得有什麼... 只記得吃了很多雞翼, 意粉, 還有西蘭花。
然後就是和朋友吹水, 吹水同吹水。
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完全看不到大家的樣子 |
記憶最深竟然是對那兩個staff 的態度, 真係差到冇朋友。亦是因為咁, 我寫了我的第一個openrice 評價。以下是節錄:
- 不知是否為了營造萬聖節氣氛,環境很暗。細問之下,原來有數個燈泡壞了。
- 那兩位十來歲的女仔真是不敢恭維。不小心倒瀉水,你們用不著黑住口面,動作勁大地抺吧。
- 上菜時,食物差點碰到客人衣服。
- 餐具又不足夠,三崔四請才給。難道你們cafe要客人share用餐具的?
- 拜託幫影合照,你洗唔洗倒番轉崔我地"快d啦"。
最後, 原來鼠狼生日啦~~~~~~ 大家準備了蛋糕慶祝~~~~~
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壽星女合照 (其實我得這張相放上來...) |
~Spider 中華風黑色OP
October is the time for Halloween. We lolitas and our party were also prepared for this season.
The colour theme for this monthly gathering organized by HK Lolita is of course dark oriented.
This time we had nearly 40 lolitas to join the party including a lot of new faces and some "Spider's Fans" that had not joined our party before. And most important, we had 4 (is FOUR!!!) prince in the party. Sadly, I did not have a chance to take a photo with them. (I... I forgot to bring the sims card with my camera
The location of the party was Fab Cafe in Mong Kok, the poorest cafe I have ever been. The food was okay. However, the attitude of staffs was the worst that I have ever saw. But I am too lazy to translate my comments to English, use google translate if you really want to know what had happened.
After the group photo, it's come to our last part of the party. To cerebrate one of the lolita's birthday~~~~~~
Today coordinates:
~Spider Chinese Style Black One Piece