既然是面具派對, 當然要準備面具。不過因為本人工作十分忙碌(其實是懶), 就要求小精靈給我寄面具。等丫等... 等來等去都等不到面具到我家, pm小精靈又沒回音。作為搞手, 我覺得她其實有點不負責任。(題外話, 面具於9月23日寄來了, 不過party 日期是9月22日囉...) Anyway, 不高興的事不要提了~~~
天文台預告說, 9月22日會打八號風球, 不過, 這是阻礙不到我的loli 魂。還好, 當天中午還只是三號, party 如常舉行。
Party 地點是旺角登打事街某cafe。
不得不說, 雖說不上華麗, 但 decorate 得頗有心思。
門口有三位執事在恭迎小姐進場。然後就可以和其中一位執事在set好的台上影相。(啊~~~~超高興的, 我對執事完全沒免疫力~~~~~)
和執事的合照 |
接著便坐下來準備吃午餐。我ordered 了澳洲肉眼牛排~ 因為我實在喜歡吃牛~~ 不過餐具很差嘛... 每隻碟都是崩的... party的華麗感大打折扣。因為懶, 所以一張相包含所有食物好了~
至於食物的質素嘛... 一樣樣講吧:
前菜: 蕃茄生菜沙律 (對於本身就不愛吃菜沙律的我, 這個真的是不合胃口。)
主菜: 澳洲肉眼牛排 (我覺得牛排本身質素是ok的, 味道, 生熟度, 還可以。)
餐飲: lady grey / earl grey (如果杯子更華麗一點就好, 味道有點淡。)
甜品: strawberry yogurt (太酸了!!! 不過我喜歡~~~)
吃完午餐, 主辦準備了兩個小遊戲~ 猜謎和傳話~ 兩個小遊戲都贏了! 哈哈。
最後就是大合照時間~~~ 我覺得每位小姐都著得很美~~ 不過, 別人的相就不放上blog 啦~~ (戴上面具就不怕啦~)
~棋子物語 凡爾賽庭院 白JSK
~棋子物語 凡爾賽庭院 白BLOUSE
~Diva 家手作頭飾
~Antaina white shoes
This is a lolita party (The Mask Parade) organized by Sunday Fairytale. The party location is a cafe in Mong Kok.
Lolita girls were required to wear mask in order to enter the cafe. Unfortunately, Hong Kong Observatory reported that Typhoon No. 8 might be hold on 22 September 2013, which was exactly the party day!! Finally, the party started under Typhoon No.3 and finished under Tyhpoon No.8.
Although the decoration was not glorious, it was thought.
There were three butlers waiting at the entry to bring the girls in. Then, you can take photo with one of the butlers.
After that, the lunch was served. I ordered beef steak as the main course. For the detail of the quality of food, I did not translate into English~ too lazy
When the lunch is about to finished, we play two mini games and I won both of them! So excited.
Finally, it was about time. We ended that party by taking group photos.
Today coordinate:
~Chess Story Le jardin de versailles White JSK
~Chess Story Le jardin de versailles White BLOUSE
~Diva's handmade headdress
~Antaina white shoes